Do NOT sit in a car for hours on end without even stopping for the odd stretch!
Just a quick note to remind myself not to agree to ridiculous things! Thursday I was asked to go to Windsor for a meeting at the University the following day, of course, being unable to say no to things, I said SURE! So, Thursday after work I waited until Matt got home from work so I could say bye, and then I packed up my rental car and headed to Chatham (3hr drive). I arrived at a disgusting hotel and had to prepare a powerpoint presentation and then tried to sleep without thinking about the bugs in my room! Friday morning I got up and met with another Coordinator and we drove to Tecumseh (1hr drive) to pick up someone else and then we were on our way to Windsor (another 45min). We did the presentation/meeting and were back on the road by 11:30...and then I got home at 5! So I was in the car for a total of 7 hours and 15 minutes during the day Friday for those of you keeping track! Thinking that wasn't enough, Matt and I decided to go to Owen Sound to pick up a rocker/glider for Fawns room, so that was another 2 hours total.
Okay, so the point of this story...when we got home I noticed that I was lacking ankles! I was SO puffed up it was ridiculous!!! I actually noticed when we were at the mall and being the great hubby that Matt is he let me sit and when and got the car for me. So I spent Friday night with my feet in the air and icepacks on my legs! I think it was mainly the lack of movement and sitting for soooo long in one place, but it could also have had something to do with the lack of water I drank that day! I had a bit, but I was afraid that I would have to stop for a million pee breaks all the way home!
So ya, a note to self...don't do that again!
(I am pleased to report, my ankles are back now though!)
xo JBM