So...a little perspective...
Matt was sitting on the beach, this is what he sees...

and...this is what I see...

(yes, my bellybutton is not-so-slowly disappearing, and yes, Fawn seems to be sitting more on the right)
Also, I caved and booked a 3D ultrasound! Mummy is treating us to making sure Fawn is indeed a Fawn, and not a Colt. We are going down to London on September 19th so I'll be posting pictures right after that for sure! I was a little iffy at first about the idea...if we already know we are having a little girl, and have her name choosen, do we really want to know what she is going to look like too? But I just can't resist, I REALLY want to know for sure if we are having a little girl or boy!
xo JBM
p.s. Is it just me or does it look like my butt is getting droopy!? Maybe it's time to invest in some Mum jeans!