Just a little blog about our darling daughter and fabulous family.
May 5, 2010
May 3, 2010
Make-It Monday
I also made Make-It Monday muffins! Yum!
May 2, 2010
Dear Sloan: Five Months
Wow Sloan, time is flying WAY too fast! It is so hard to believe that 5 months have gone by already. It seems like you just got here, but at the same time it feels like you have been here forever because it's hard to remember life without you!
This month you found your toes and you LOVE to suck on them! For some reason you have stinky feet a lot so I try to remind you of this when you are about to stick them in your mouth, but you don't seem to mind! It is so cute to see you reach out and then have this look of amazement when you make the connection with your foot and then pull it to your mouth!
You have become a lot more talkative this month and love to be mimicked. I swear you have even said Mama a couple of times and you of course ramble on with a sound that suspiciously sounds like Dadadadadaaaaaaaada! I'm going to work on "training" you so that you actually say Mama first and mean it!
You celebrated your very first Easter at the beginning of the month, and I made my very first turkey! I hope that one day I'll be able to help you make a turkey, but I still need a lot of help myself, so we'll see! The Easter Bunny was good to you - bringing you a basket with books, a puppet, some hairclips and a stuffie from Nanny Murphy! You looked absolutely adorable in your Easter dress!
This month you helped out at the MS Walk - we volunteered on the committe like last year when you were just a little bean! We also walked this year and you won the prize (a giant stuffed monkey!) for the youngest walker...even though you didn't acutally walk! You also made the online local newspaper with the below picture.