Warning, lots of pictures ahead!
I've been feeling pretty nest-y (nest-ish?) lately so I've been working on Fawn's room (not that she'll spend much time in it in the first few months). I wouldn't say I'm a hoarder by any means (especially after watching the A&E show about them), but in the past I have had an issue with keeping things "just in case" (eg. scrap paper that I *might* use in a scrapbook in a million years, or a paper that I wrote in first year...you never know when I might need that info again), but since the nesting has kicked in, I've thrown away so much STUFF! We have lived here two years now and there were still a couple packed boxes - no longer! So...below are a few sneek peek pics of Fawn's room. There is still a lot to do - touch up paint, find a change table, get her crib, make a mobile...etc...but here is what we have so far...
Part of Fawn's closet (there are still some of Matt's clothes in there that need to be moved!)

Some of my favorite things from her closet

The rocking chair (which she seems to enjoy already)

The little side table (old desk) that I found at the market in the park - perfect beside the rocker!

Detail pic (the lamb is from Matt's Mum and smells like baby powder, and Fawn's favorite books so far)

Our stroller that I LOVE and can't wait to use! Thanks Nana & Bill??? (my Dad isn't sure what he is going to be called yet by Fawn - so far it's Bill!)

Annnnd...a belly pic from tonight...don't mind my face - I'd been nesting for hours!

xo JBM