Oops, I am way behind again!
September 19th was the big day for the 3D ultrasound and it was amazing! Matt, my Mum & Dad, and Aunt Bev and I all went down to London to see Fawn on the big screen! It was the neatest thing! It felt like we were at a spa - nice dim lighting, big leather chairs, soft music, beautiful pictures on the wall - the works! We all got to be in the room and the ultrasound machine was hooked up to a huge flat screen on the wall so we got to see everything the tech was seeing. First and foremost she confirmed that Fawn is indeed a little girl! And then for the next 20 minutes the tech tried to get a good view, but she is so low and squished in there that it was hard to get a good shot - she also kept her hands by her face the whole time and was even caught sucking her thumb! I could feel her moving a bit, so it was neat to see her movement on the screen at the same time. She looks perfect and we can't wait to meet her!
So...on to the pictures...

xo JBM