I've been meaning to update for a while now, and I've been reminded by a few people that I haven't updated in quite some time, but everytime I sit down to write something I get distracted!
Things are moving along quickly! Only 19 more days of work! Not that I'm counting or anything! AND 4 of those days will be spent in Toronto so it will go by really quickly! This past Friday we interviewed people for my position and I think we found someone that will be great!
This past weekend Matt and I went on a tour of the birth centre and were very impressed! Big private rooms with nice lighting, a couch for Matt (and Laura and Mummy) to hang out on and take turns napping on as well as a rocking chair with stool for breastfeeding! Each room has its own little kitchenette area - microwave & sink. They each have a cd player and portable fan. They each have their own bathroom that is nice and big as well as each having a nice jaccuzi tub. They also supply a birth ball and birthing stool if you want it. And if I have to have the monitor on, it is waterproof so I can still get in the tub. The nurse we met was REALLY nice! So that was a nice experience, Matt was really suprised by how nice it was too! We timed it on our way home and it is 45 min door-to-door, so hopefully we won't have too much snow to deal with as well!
I have another midwife appointment this Friday and Matt will finally be able to come - he hasn't been since I was early on, so it will be nice for him to be able to come again. We started our prenatal classes and have gone to 2 of the 4 so far - lots of info and a few videos so far.
My hips have REALLY been bothering me and my wobble is more pronunced now! It takes me a bit to get going, but once I am going, I'm good! However, my hips, combined with Fawn on my bladder has resulted in me waking up almost every hour to either roll over or get up to pee! I'll be well practiced for getting up with Fawn!
Now...on to the pictures...
A pic from tonight compared to 20 weeks ago...

Fawn's room is coming together...her crib is all set up!
I've been working on some projects for her...babylegs (with help from Nana), cloth wipes & a blanket that was started before she was even conceived!
As a quick side note...Toby is pretty much totally recovered from his "attack". But while he was recovering, he was quite the suck...as seen below. The cute pic is followed by a pic of his wound so close your eyes if you don't want to see blood!
My poor first baby!
I'll try to update again after my midwife appointment on Friday!
xo JBM