It's official...spring is here...and here to stay (I think!). It was a little chilly today, but we have had great weather the past week and the snow is almost all gone! I am able to hang things out on the line again and have them come in dry instead of frozen! There is nothing better than line-
dried diapers and crispy towels!
Sloan comes out to help in her stroller, but always ends up falling asleep in the sun spot I have found her! I'm looking forward to when it is nice enough to lay a blanket out for her.
Matt's crew didn't get the overtime they were expecting on Friday (thanks asbestos!), so he had the day off and it was so nice and sunny out! We were going to spend the afternoon doing yard work (including taking down the Christmas lights finally...don't worry, they haven't been on!), but it was so nice we decided to go for a big walk and a trip to the park instead. Sloan had never been over to the park at the ball diamond before, so she went for her first trip!
She slept the whole way there in the sun...

but she was just saving her energy to play on the swings!
She loved them!

Toby brought along his birthday present which he promptly
destroyed...but I guess that is the game!

She kept looking at Daddy...I think she was asking for another push!

Sloan has really been working on getting her thumb in her mouth lately. She has figured out how to get just her thumb in finally (for a while it was thumb+a finger), but she puts it off to the side and can't quite latch on to it properly yet. She also hasn't figured it out as a soothing mechanism, it's just something fun to do. I tried to give her a soother again, thinking maybe she just really wanted something to suck on, but nope, she still HATES it! She does LOVE the jolly-jumper though and it puts her hand at the perfect position for sucking!

Sloan and I made the most delicious banana bread today! I haven't had much luck in the past making banana bread - it usually comes out really done on the bottom and sides, and still raw in the middle, but this one worked perfectly! I was a little skeptical about not putting any chocolate chips in, but decided to just go with then I could eat it for breakfast and not feel guilty! It is the perfect combination of cinnamon and banana and the swirl in the middle is oh-so-tasty! The top came out nice and crispy and it is delicious warmed up with a little butter!

Sloan is asleep (in her crib), so I should probably do the same (not in the crib)...I might have a piece of banana bread first though!
xo JBM
I don't even know where to start there are so many cute things in this blog entry! First of all, love the colours on the line - I wish I could air dry my clothes. I hate my dryer and my balcony is way too small. I need a house! Second, Sloan looks so beautiful when she sleeps, she has such perfect features. It's amazing! Third, I LOVE the pictures on the swings. You guys looks so happy and clearly Sloan is thorough enjoying herself. Toby is hilarious with his ball. He is sitting right beside the swing, clearly looking for some attention and still probably wondering when Sloan will go back where she came from haha The banana bread looks delish! See ya soon xo L
ReplyDeleteFistly, I want the receipe please. It sounds and looks deeeelish!!!
ReplyDeleteI sound like a broken record and I'm not even saying this because I'm biased but Sloan is seriously beautiful. She's soooo adorable and I just can't get enough of the pictures. The photos of you and Matt with her on the swing melt me heart. I love it. You are all so happy and make such a wickedly stunning family.
I said Sloan looks MORE like you now but that pic of her sucking her thumb, she looks EXACTLY like Matt. haha
Toby is so happy with his deflated soccor ball haha
I agree with Laura - Sloan has great features. Her lips are perfect.
And thanks for posting the pic of her DIApers (insert accent here) on the line. I know I requested this one because I'm strange. But it's so cute!