So, I am pretty convinced we have a little girl on the way, and so is Matt, and he is super excited to have a Daddy's little girl!
Below is her latest picture...
I still think we are going to keep her name a secret, although that might not happen with Matt's big mouth! As soon as we got out of the ultrasound we stopped at my Mum's work to tell her she is having a grand-daughter and Matt thought I should tell her the name right then and there! We are pretty set on a name, but I'm still looking at other options as well incase something jumps out at us.
I got a call from the Midwifes office in Owen Sound on Monday to let me know they had received the results from our ultrasound the following week and the one on May 15th, and everything looks great! All of Fawn's measurements are spot on and she is growing as expected! My (or should I say her's as she is really the one using it!) placenta is anterior, meaning it is at the front which isn't a problem, but means it make take a little more time for us to feel Fawn move on the outside, which means more waiting for Matt, but it's in a good position and not covering my cervix at all!
My next midwife appointment with Whitney isn't until July 20th so hopefully I'll remember to post before then, if not, I'll post about that appointment! :)
xo JBM
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