This first month has absolutely flown by, it's hard to believe this day is here already. Everyone says to cherish this time because it goes by so quickly...I knew you wouldn't be tiny forever, but this is just too fast! In just one month you have changed so much, I have already started putting clothes away that you have outgrown! In the first couple of days we were off to a slow start with the nursing, but we both quickly got the hang of it and you are now a nursing champ! Your first few weeks of life were mainly spent sleeping, but you liked to be awake most at night...a little backwards! However, this meant travelling with you was easy! You were a breeze to take anywhere! We packed you up and went out for dinner, and for breakfast...and for lunch...I didn't feel much like cooking and we quickly went through the meals I had made and frozen before you made your appearance. You travelled to Nana and Papa's house quite a bit and loved the snuggles near the fireplace.
On December 8th you went for your first walk. Toby was so excited to get out with you, but I think he is really looking forward to when you can throw the ball for him!
The next day you had your first real bath (your stinky bellybutton stump had fallen off, yay!) and LOVED it! You kicked your legs lots and kept your hands out of the water the same way I do when I have a bath!
On December 12th we packed you up and went to the Palmateer family Christmas at cuz'n Krista's house. We were SO excited to show you off and were glad you came in time to make it! We thought you would get passed around quite a bit, but Nana and Papa hogged you quite a bit!
On December 19th we took advantage of your excellent (daytime) sleeping habits and hopped in the car with Nana and Papa and went to Toronto to pick up your Uncle David - he was so surprised to see us there! You wanted to show off your nursing skills so I walked through the airport nursing you in your sling, which you love! We went out for dinner on the way home and Uncle David got to hold you for the first time.
On Christmas Eve you finally got to meet the Murphy/Stewart clan! Nanny Murphy couldn't get enough of you!
Your Great-Nanny Stewart thought you were pretty cute too!
You also slept through your first New Year Eve. We spent the night at Nana and Papa's house eating way too much Chinese take-out and watching a funny movie (The Hangover). You didn't even wake up for the ball dropping! The next day, I got one more year older and celebrated my first Birthday as a Mama! It was great!
Oddly enough, despite the fact that we called you Fawn throughout my pregnancy to keep your name a secret, the nickname didn't stick. Instead, you have a couple new nicknames....Noodle and Scraggle to be exact! You also get Noodle-head, Noodle-butt and Noodleeenee (pronunced Noodle-e-knee) and when you look especially cute and I want to eat you all up you are a Noodle-tini! Scraggle can also take these forms, buy is mainly reserved for when you are being fussy. One night when you were being especially fussy and nothing seemed to sooth you, your Dad went so far as to call you "the ultimate scrag"!
So that brings us to today, you're 1 month today!
xo Mama
Oh my god I am bawling. That was so beautiful.
ReplyDeleteYou are an inspiration to mummys everywhere. Sloan is beautiful and I am so happy for you that life with her as a family is so lovely (not that we didn't know it would be).
Yup, I'm crying too... at work!
ReplyDeleteSloan, you are one lucky little girl. And you will realize that as you grow. Your mother is a wonderful person; an unreplaceable friend of the truest kind, an inspriation to many and above all she knows how to love people to her full capacity.
You are one lucky nooodlebutt!