Just a little blog about our darling daughter and fabulous family.
December 29, 2011
December 22, 2011
Sleep Update!
That worked for a while and then she started waking up during the carrying to her bed portion and spent a few nights in our bed with us...which is cramped!
We have a new solution now and its been working for about 2 weeks! Sloan has moved to the spare room! We have a double bed in there pushed up against the wall with a guard rail on the other side. I lay in there and read her stories, nurse her if she asks for it (which is a whole other post!), sing our lullaby and then lay with her until she falls asleep - about 5 minutes, 10 at the very most. She then sleeps through the night most nights!
There is just one condition she has for this new routine to work...she HAS to have Toby in bed with her! As soon as she gets her jammies on and says goodnight to Daddy she starts calling Toby and yelling Bed! He follows her lead and goes right to bed with her! He lays at the very end of the bed and stays with her all night. Last night I snuck in to check on her before I went to bed and she was actually laying with her back up against Toby's back! It was too cute! I'll have to snap a pic!
Matt and I have never had so much room in our bed! It's crazy!
I guess it might be time for me to start moving all of her 'stuff' over from her bedroom now!
Wish us luck that this continues!
December 2, 2011
The Sweetest Thing
She still isn't sleeping great...unless she starts out in our bed. Usually I read to her and rock her in her room, then she asks for our bed so we go in there and I lay with her until she falls asleep - usually not long. Then I go upstairs and do 'whatever' (laundry, dishes, clean up, facebook...veg..) until it's bed time for me and then I just carry her into her own bed and she rolls over and falls asleep. We are all getting a great sleep, no one is puking and there isn't any crying! Yay!
Last night when I was putting her down I actually fell asleep next to her (probably because I had a million things to do and my body didn't want to do any of it! lol)...but I woke up when she awoke from a deep sleep, eyes open, completely aware and said "oh WOW", then she snuggled in and went back to sleep. About 5 min later she woke again, turned and looked at me, smiled and said "Tewwwwww". It was so sweet! I guess telling her that it's almost her birthday and that she will be 2 has caught on!
This also kinda makes me wonder though if her sleep issues may have started because she is actually dreaming and remembering them. It would be pretty disorientating to wake up wondering where you were, if you were JUST somewhere else when you were dreaming and you don't understand what a dream is...
I'll post more after her little birthday party with some pictures of the birthday girl!
xo JBM
November 11, 2011
How facebook ruined our "sleep training"
We had a few (3 or 4) months of great sleep, she would go down to sleep after our usual routine (bath [most nights], pj's, stories, nurse, sing and rock and then in to her crib) and stay asleep all night. I felt rested! It was amazing! Then she started waking up in the middle of the night again (around 2am), so I started nursing her in the middle of the night again, but it was quick, 5 minutes max and she was back asleep. A small blip in the night, but nothing major, some mornings I couldn't even remember if I got up I was that asleep still. She was able to go into her crib semi awake and just lay there and drift off to dreamland.
Then, about 2 months ago it all changed. Nothing too major has changed...except her sleep patterns! Sloan started acting like her crib was the enemy, she was deathly afraid to go into it. As soon as I started lifting her to put her in she would just start saying 'no mummy, no no no no mummy' and going stiff as a board. We would rock and rock and rock and rock...and then stop and she would lay dead asleep in my arms, but as soon as I started to try to move her to her crib she would wake right up and start with the no, no, no-ing and cling to me. We've had some extremely late nights due to this routine of her falling asleep and then waking and then trying to get her back to sleep.
I feel like we've tried everything! Cry it out? Yup, tried it twice...and both times she threw up EVERYWHERE and we had to start the whole bed time routine all over again, fresh jammies and all. I HATE to let her cry, so that was really hard, then I felt horrible since it was all for nothing since she didn't fall asleep and I ended up going into her room and turning on the light (to clean up) and picking her up. We've tried the pat the bum while holding, and slowly move her to the crib and pat in there...but she doesn't like her back/bum rubbed or patted so she just keeps batting me away. Tried different night lights, different blankets, put her mattress on the floor...the only thing that seemed to work was to either let her fall asleep in our bed, or on the couch or in my arms and then wait FOREVER for her to be in a really deep sleep so I could ever so gently set her down. Then when she would wake up in the middle of the night I would still end up bringing her to bed with us as I didn't want to repeat that whole process again!
Three nights ago I thought I finally found a solution. We were going to try the 'keep laying her down' method (I have no idea what the method is actually called). The first night it took a looooong time. I just kept laying her down while she cried. Each time I laid her down I sat down in the chair in her room. Finally she started to just sit up instead of stand up, then eventually just laid there and kept popping her head up to make sure I was still there. By the time she was at the laying there popping up stage she had stopped crying, but was whimpering and tugging at monkey's ears hard! She finally fell asleep and I crept out of her room...I still brought her into our room when she woke at 3 though. The second night it took just as long! The crying didn't last as long, but then she started trying to talk to me, or just singing to herself. Finally she fell asleep, but again, woke up around 3.
Now, if you've read this far you'll finally get to find out how facebook ruined our "sleep training" (I hate that term!). Last night I was bound and determined to keep trying the laying down method. There was more crying and reaching for me (more than the second night for sure)...and all I could think of was the little blurb that I had read on facebook earlier that day. Someone had read an article on yahoo so it posted the headline on their page "girl age 3 comforts and feeds herself for 3 days alone after mother died" (or something along those lines). As I sat there watching Sloan cry and want/need me, all I could think of was that poor little girl crying out for her mother and not understanding why she wouldn't go to her. I lasted about 5 minutes and then I HAD to pick Sloan up and rock her to sleep. I gingerly laid her in bed and then got up at 3 when she cried out and brought her to bed with us and snuggled for the rest of the night.
As she nuzzled into my arms last night I realized that our new "sleep training" method will be to comfort her as she needs it, whatever that may be. We'll try again maybe when she's older and we can explain the whole "your room", "your bed" thing to her. But for now, it will be rocking and nursing or bed sharing for us!
So ya...facebook ruined it for us, but maybe it's for the best!
November 2, 2011
October 19, 2011
More Yummy-ness
October 12, 2011
October 6, 2011
Make, Do, LEARN

Sloan is growing and changing at an alarming rate. While it is hard to see that she doesn't need us to do everything for her anymore, it is SO neat to see her learning to do things on her own.
September 15, 2011
Matt snapped the rainbow on his way home from work!
Sloan is working on her mullet!
September 12, 2011
Taste It.
Today QueenBloggy posted a video that did the later.
I had all of these lessons growing up...maybe not with the intensity of my Mum reciting it to me in an eloquent spoken word poem...but I still had them. And I want Sloan to have them. I want her to feel loved and wanted and needed and appreciated and smart and beautiful and amazing and independent and enough as she is and just down right special. I want her to know that yes, life can be tough, but it can also be just as great! I want her to know that her Daddy and I will always be here for her, no matter how many times she may fall down, we will help her get right back up. Like Sarah Kay says - Mama is a worrier and Daddy is a warrior. I worry about all of the usual Mummy things to worry about, the stuff that world news shows us to worry about, but I also worry that no matter how much we love her and tell her that we love her, that she will never quite understand just how much we love her...that she will never feel that pure joy and happiness and warm fuzzy feeling that I felt as a child, knowing that my parents LOVED me and my brother. I feel like somehow I just might not be doing it right, doing enough, and then I remember that all I really need to do is to be there. Like actually There. In the moment - in all the little moments...and she will know she is loved.
K...this got way longer and sappier (is that a word???) than intended...I really just wanted to post about the video and how much I loved it...oops.
xo JBM
August 30, 2011
Hey..past me...pay attention..
I've started a list of what I wish I would have been able to tell myself before Sloan came along...
- Don't bother packing a hospital bag...there will be no time to need anything from it.
- Take more Sloan and Mummy pictures in those early months.
- Learn different latching techniques.
- Really enjoy bring pregnant, you will miss it.
- Despite how prepared you feel, nothing will prepare you for waking up hourly.
- You will love this new little being more than you ever thought possible. Being so afraid of anything that could ever hurt her in this world will be the most painful part of your birth experience...and it won't go away, even 21 months later!
That's all that I can think of for now, but I'll add to it if I think of anything else.
My little love bug...

July 20, 2011
June 8, 2011
June 1, 2011
April 20, 2011
Chatty Cathy!
Helping Daddy with his trade school homework!
xo JBM
March 27, 2011
Making Memories
Adorable little pigglets...with holes punched in their ears! What!? WHY?!
She was VERY gently petting him (I guess the many times a day that I say 'gentle hands' around Toby and Bane is sinking in!), until I asked her to give him a kiss...I guess she thought it would be easier to bring him to her mouth rather than the other way around! Oops!
What's next???
Tiny, adorable goats!
Next, Sloan and Matt got to go in a giant pen and feed some already very full animals! Oh, hello Mr. Something with Horns!
All-in-all it was a great day! Lots of fresh air and sunshine...and memories!
Sloan showing off her pearly whites (which got extra scrubbing after the taffy today!):
xo JBM
March 23, 2011
March 16, 2011
March 14, 2011
Here is an adorable video of Sloan feeding Toby breakfast - she has figured out how to open the big container we keep his food in...he isn't ignoring her so much these days now!
Untitled from Joelene Murphy on Vimeo.
Off to Nana's house we go...
xo JBM
January 18, 2011
Sloan and Nana made eggsalad for lunch together: