xo JBM
Just a little blog about our darling daughter and fabulous family.
November 18, 2010
One small step for Noodle...
November 17, 2010
New Layout
November 16, 2010
It's beginning to look a lot like...
Matt has this horrible idea that we should wait until December to decorate for Christmas, whereas if I had my way we would be blaring Christmas tunes and flinging tinsel everywhere RIGHT NOW!!! So this year I had an idea...I'll just do small things...to satisfy my need to feel the Christmas cheer now...and Matt won't notice until it is all done and looks great! I won't do the tree yet, since we are planning on getting a real one this year. But I already put up the lights outside...not turned on yet, but they are up and ready to be plugged in asap! Then today I pulled out a couple decorations and placed them here and there...then I thought I could put up some garland around the entertainment centre...but it got a little out of hand...
Do you think Matt will notice this???
I'll let you know what he thinks!
xo JBM
November 15, 2010
November 10, 2010
November 9, 2010
October 6, 2010
October 4, 2010
Dear Sloan: Ten Months
This month you got your first tooth! We thought it looked like it was going to poke through for a while, but on the 6th it popped through! It is the cutest little tiny tooth! There was one night that you didn't sleep too much, and then next thing we knew it was there! You have been wearing a baltic amber necklace that is supposed to help with the pain of teething and I think it did it's job!
On September 10th Uncle David and Uncle Brad moved to Kincardine - I'm excited for you to have so much family around you that loves you so! Much to my dissapointment you still aren't saying Mama (or any version of Mum, Mummy, Mama, or even Ma), however after spending just a few days with Uncle David you seem to be trying to say his name! You are babbling lots and love to move your lips to see what kind of sounds you can get, but now you are doing 'Day-did' a lot it seems!
You are a VERY speedy crawler now! You make a b-line for Toby's water dish to tip it still, it's a race that you usually win! You love to chase both Toby and Bane, but Toby acts like he will get some horrible disease if he lets you touch him, Bane on the other hand will let you head-butt into him all day! I picked up a little pink ball for you so we could roll it back and forth, but you prefer to roll it all over the house and do this adorable little crouch to look under stuff when it gets stuck under the chair or coffee table. It's hard for me to not just take pictures of you constantly being cute!
In addition to your first tooth this month, you also had your first camping trip and first swimming lesson! We went camping up in Owen Sound at the KOA campgroud and stayed in the most adorable cabin and you were the greatest little camper! Esther is your teacher at swimming and you will go to her just fine for your 1-on-1 time and have even done a little swimming under water with no fuss!
We love you so much Sloan! Finding you standing in your crib, happily talking away to yourself in the mornings is such a delight! Knowing that we then get to spend another day watching you explore and grow is so much fun!
xo Mama
*pictures to be added when bloggers stops giving me a hard time!
September 2, 2010
Dear Sloan: Nine Months
Mummy and Daddy love you little Noodle!
August 27, 2010
Number One
And as soon as I buy a new camera today (since the other one doesn't open anymore!?!?!) I'll be snapping a picture of the little princess on her throne!
I can't believe summer is coming to an end :( We had some amazing weather, but the last week or so has just been clouds and cool breezes - feels like fall is coming! I even wore jeans and a long sleeve shirt earlier in the week! I feel like I should be going back to school shopping whenever this weather comes along, maybe in addition to a new camera I'll get some pens and paper just to feel young again! This weekend is supposed to be really nice though - humidity and everything! So we might just get in the pool or lake again once more this summer! Matt has a ball tournament and it's the mass pipe band in town Saturday night as well as Kristen's bonfire, so it should be a funfilled weekend!
xo JBM
August 25, 2010
August 23, 2010
Big Day!
Today you also stood up on your own! You've been pulling up on things for a while, but never have you actually gotten into a standing position, but today you did it! And while visiting Nana! You let go of the coffee table after getting up to your feet and standing for about 20sec, then stood without holding on for about 5sec and then plopped on your bum! You were so proud of yourself! As were we! Of course the next time you tried it you gave yourself a good bonk on the head!
Another first - tonight at dinner you had cut up blueberries for the first time and you fed yourself every piece! Way to go NoodleE!
Of course all of this is happening when my camera has decided to crap out - probably because you gave it a good throw the other day!
xo Mama
August 21, 2010
On your way!
You have been getting where you want to go for quite some time now, but not in the most graceful of ways - but yesterday little girl, you did it! You crawled!
Now, today it hasn't been replicated, but I can see you trying - you'll be crawling in no time!
We're in trouble now!
xo Mama
August 19, 2010
For Randi
Sloan is dancing to Beyonce!
Also...isn't she the cutest...
xo JBM
Edited to add: I noticed one day that Sloan really likes the beat to Single Ladies when we were listening to the "Baby Mamas: Put a Sling on 'em" version - watch it on youtube- so cute!
August 2, 2010
Dear Sloan: Eight Months
On July 30th you got to enjoy some music at the Bruce! You stayed out way past your bed time and danced the night away at the Bluesfest - you LOVED the music!
This month you showed your growing independence, and while it is so exciting to watch you become your own little person, it is also so sad to see that you don't have to depend on me so much anymore. You are boogying around like nobody's business! You aren't crawling yet, but you can get where ever you want to go, and quite quickly too! You do this adorable little butt scoot and have also started doing a bit of an army crawl too. I don't think it will be long until you are actually crawling! Daddy better get the gate up at the stairs soon! You are also trying to pull yourself up on things - especially the bookcase and the coffee table at Nana and Papa's house! You can't quite pull yourself up to a standing position, but you do get close!
July 21, 2010
Not-so-Wordless Wednesday

July 7, 2010
July 2, 2010
Dear Sloan: Seven Months
You still love the jolly jumper and would stay in there for hours if I let you I think! I bought you a little spongy mat to jump on so you don't hurt your feet! You're also using this mat to roll around on - you're a master roller now! You can even roll towards something to get it! This mat has also come in handy to work on your sitting, which you have also mastered! You look so grown up sitting there on your own, not toppling over!
Last month you mastered the clapping, but this month you perfected it by clapping on cue! If we clap, you clap! You have also figured out that if you bang two things together it makes a noise. It was so neat to watch you figure this out for the first time, and just as wonderful to see you so impressed with yourself each time you rediscover it!
You are eating more and more different foods now. This month we discovered that you love apple-pear sauce (so do I!) and although peaches weren't a big hit at first, you love them mixed with banana!
Your little personality is developing more and more. You are a little Mama's girl for sure! You have this adorable little shy smile when meeting new people and turn into my shoulder to hide your little face - it is so stinkin' cute! You also do this adorable little shoulder shrug that could melt anyones heart!
We hosted our first play group this month - you had 6 little friends over! It was so neat to watch you interacting with them (mainly with eye contact and watching them play with your toys).
Speaking of playgroup, we have also been going to the Early Years Centre on a pretty regular basis and this month you got to paint there for the first time! Yummy vanilla pudding painting! As soon as you got a taste of it, you licked it all of your page - so much for painting! You also did some painting for Father's Day - hand prints on a homemade card and some painting with a brush on a bowl that you helped make for Daddy out in Vancouver - he is one lucky Daddy!
You're babbling more and more now. Da-da is still your favourite sound, but I'm working on ma-ma! I say ma-ma and you repeat da-da!
You also went to your first pipe band this month - a weekend tradition I hope to keep since I have so many great memories of it as a child. You watched without a flinch as the band went by and then we marched behind them and Mummy and Daddy got ice cream. On the way back you fell asleep! And stayed asleep as the band went by the second time!
You no longer hate the grass!
xo Mama
p.s We still mainly call you Noodle! Luckily you aren't too confused by this and respond to either Sloan or Noodle!
June 30, 2010
June 28, 2010
The Clapper!
xo JBM
June 2, 2010
Dear Sloan: Six Months
This month you really started to babble more and make more sounds. You love when we mimic you! Da-Da seems to be your favourite so far! Sometimes you surprise yourself by figuring out how to make a wh or p sound and you look so proud of yourself - you look around to see if anyone is watching as if to say 'did you just hear that - I did that!' It is SO cute! You still do your adorable little growl which is getting louder and all the other Mummy's at baby group think it is so funny!
We have had some really beautiful weather this month - lots of sunshine and some really warm days too! You don't mind coming out to help me with the yard work and loved sitting and watching me plant a herb garden (which is now growing just as fast as you!).
You have tried a few different foods now in the purees I've been making for you. So far you seem to like sweet potato and black beans the best. You also have a new obsession for drinking glasses! If there is one in sight, you want it! You're also pretty good at drinking out of a cup now too!
May 15, 2010
Brotherly Love (?)
Here she is babbling away to him, petting his ear and all he wants is to get away as fast as possible!
May 13, 2010
lil' chomper!
which is better for you - watching it through blogger:
or through vimeo:
lil' chomper from Joelene Murphy on Vimeo.
May 10, 2010
Make-It Monday: CAKE!
While perusing blogs a while ago I found this blog and LOVED what she did with cake! Lots of colour and who can resist a rainbow cake! So, Mother's Day would be my perfect excuse to bake a rainbow cake!
Except...I only have one round 8" cake pan (or so I thought, I have since found another while putting the one I used away!), and of course Noodle to tend to! So Saturday night at 9:30 I started on the cake. I thought 6 layers might be a bit much for me to tackle - it would probably topple over! So I decided on 3 layers so I would only have to do 3 oven watches before I could get to bed!
First, I mixed up the french vanilla batter and divided it into 3 bowls and added the dye (warning: I can't take a decent picture in our dim-lit kitchen at night!). I did one layer of blue, one of purple, and one of pink! Fun!
Looks like a pretty regular white cake, right?!
So imagine everyones surprise when my Mum cut into it and found this:
I think I might do this again, but tackle all 6 layers for Sloan's 1st Birthday! It was so fun and cheery!
xo JBM
May 9, 2010
Mummy's Day!
I will kiss her before I lay her down at night
and will tell her a story so she knows
how it is and how it must be for her to surviveI'll tell her that people must earn the right
to use her nickname
that forced intimacy is an ugly thing
she has done than the things she hasn't.
I'll teach her to write her manifestos on cocktail napkins.
I'll teach her to talk hard.
I'll tell her that her skin is the
most beautiful dress she will ever wear."
In just 5 short months you have brought so much joy to our lives
living outside of my body...now I do.
May 5, 2010
May 3, 2010
Make-It Monday
I also made Make-It Monday muffins! Yum!